After getting a attachement file ( xml or excel) from a email, i need to save the file and use it after. but the process is not the same if its a xml file or an excel file, how can i select the good one
How the bot can know that is a xml file ?
I have this issue : System.IO.Path.GetExtension(CurrentPieceJointe)
Questions :
The output of save attachment its what i need to put in list of item ?
What is the variable type of strExt ?
Hi @Soudios
Please make the variable type of File extension as string also the CurrentPieceJointe type should be string.
The output of save attachment is of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.String>
The variable in list item is the output of save attachment ? or i need to create a new one ?
And What is the variable type of strExt ?
strExt is of type string
You need to use the list output of Save attachment activity
@Anil_G @Yoichi
why its not working for me ?
@rashmisingh2695 can you send me your xaml file plz ?
Fileextension varible type should be on type string…please change the same
And inside getextension use currentitem /currentplacejointe
Please check this xaml and let me know if it works.
GetExtension.xaml (10.6 KB)
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