IMAP Mail mark as read

Hello everyone,

I am getting my emails with IMAP mail activity and I don’t mark them as read. I put them in a loop. I do some precesses and I add some mails to queue. I want to mark those emails which I added to queue as read. I find an outlook activity but it doesn’t work with IMAP mail activity. I don’t want to change the get mail activity to outlook. I want to get my mails with IMAP mail activity. Is there any solution for my problem.

I haven’t found any activity to do this but you can try this:
Read mails without marking them as read.
When you loop the mails save the subject, sender or mail body ( sth that is unique so you can find the correct mail message ).
Then use get IMAP msg again and in FilterExpression write the filter and check the box at MarkAsRead.
Hope this helps.

Hello Gresilda_Balla,

Thank you for your kind answer.

My mail’s subjects, and mail senders could be same. But I thought like you and create a index variable and add it to the ForEach Activity to find the index number of the mail. When I put the list object to the for each( type= MailMessage), I can know which mail is added to the queue and number the index of the mail. But I couldn’t do the FilterExpression think. There is an expression editor and I don’t know how to use it. I saw the examples but I couldn’t see an index filter example