Image not working while sending SMTP mail

I am working on a project in which i am trying to send a mail to client on their email but this email has signature which has images so when i send it to them it ask them to download image and they are using Microsoft Outlook 2010 for ease i am using image hosting website because i have tried to get it from local folder the images are not showing in the email i don’t know what is problem i have used html for framing the signature. If you have any solution please let me know.
Thanks in advance…

Hi @amir.shiraz

Please go through this post.


We can use the image as a signature directly…

We need to use the HTML content to provide the image… and the image should be in the project folder…

You can provide the image path in this path…

<IMG src="Image path.Extension">

This will attack the image…

Try in this way
