Identifying mobile app UI element using wildcards is not working

I’m trying to locate a mobile UI element using wildcard * which is not working.
ex: the target selector identified by UiPath is:
“<mbl android:className=‘android.widget.TextView’ text=‘Today 1 Oct’ / >”

I want to find this element without having to explicitly mention exact date because the date is dynamic and keeps changing. Hence I tried
“mbl android:className=‘android.widget.TextView’ text=‘Today *’ />” but this seems to not work. Does anybody have any idea or suggestions here pls??


Mobile autoamtion does not support wild cards

instead it supports only variables…if you knwo what date it is then you can pass it as variable to the selector and use

else use any other attribute which are not dynamic to identify


Thanks for your reply. There is no other unique attribute for that element. I want to get text from this element to check if app date displayed matches with the mobile device date. I have created the whole test case and it works. but the next day it will fail since the date attribute changes text.

Okay, so now I’m clear we cannot use wildcards for mobile automation. The other solution do you mean to give the selector as below:

“mbl android:className=‘android.widget.TextView’ text= “+variablename” />”

or this one ? “mbl android:className=‘android.widget.TextView’ text=”+variablename+" />"

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