I want to remove duplicated values from array

I want to remove duplicated values from below array it has 12 values but 3 are unique

Pls help

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Hi @Sudheer_Kumar_S

Try this

uniqueArray = originalArray.Distinct().ToArray()


Make sure to import the System.Linq namespace at the beginning of your workflow to use the Distinct method.


If you find the solution for your question please mark as solution to close the loop.

Tried its it not Working… can you suggest any other way

Hi @Sudheer_Kumar_S

Try this


I hope it works!!

Hi @Sudheer_Kumar_S

Try this it is working


I have attached xaml for your refernce.

Sequence3.xaml (8.1 KB)


Hi @Sudheer_Kumar_S

  1. Start by using the Assign activity to convert the array to a list. Let’s call the array inputArray:Variable: inputArray Value: YourArray.ToList
  2. Use the Assign activity again to apply the Distinct method to the list and store the result in a new list. Let’s call the new list distinctList:Variable: distinctList Value: inputArray.Distinct.ToList
  3. Finally, convert the distinctList back to an array using the Assign activity:Variable: distinctArray Value: distinctList.ToArray

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Sudheer_Kumar_S ,

Could you let us know what is the Expected output for the Input provided ?

It seems that the Unique Identification logic is different from the general manner, We find more than 3 Unique values when checked manually.

Let us know how the unique identifier is understood.

Hi @Sudheer_Kumar_S

Use this method it’s working:

The output is : 7

Correct output is also 7

Check one your data, I have marked the differences and its having 7 unique files.

So, the problem is not the method.

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Hi thanks for reply… it’s a copy paste error… but Values are same…


So did it works or not?
If not please share the file names and I will try.

I found a simple solution… I’m using arrayvar.contains(str value) then appending it to a variable… it’s working… thanks for your help

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