I want to Concatenate columns values and to another column i already have a solution BUT!


here iam using String.Join("",Row.Item("t1").ToString,Row.Item("t2").ToString,Row.Item("t3").ToString,Row.Item("t4").ToString)
is there any way to do this more efficiently using linq or anything


Welcome to the community

Try this in invoke code with dt as in/out argument

Dt.AsEnumerable.ToList.ForEach(sub(row) row("Unique Party") = String.Join("",Row.Item("t1").ToString,Row.Item("t2").ToString,Row.Item("t3").ToString,Row.Item("t4").ToString))

Or you can use a single assign as below

Dt.Columns("Unique Party").Expression = "[t1] + [t2] + [t3] + [t4]"
