I have a data Chethan_p@ gamil.com I need the result like this bellow
Chethan p
How to do in regex
Can anyone explain how to do
Chethan P
I have a data Chethan_p@ gamil.com I need the result like this bellow
Chethan p
How to do in regex
Can anyone explain how to do
Chethan P
@copy_writes - you want don’t want the _ right ?
Hi @copy_writes
use this regex pattern(Chethan_p) and save it into the string variable (ex: matchRegex)
then Variable getString = matchRegex.ToString.Replace(“_”, " ")
try this
Any reason why you require regex? Seems like other methods would be better such as splitting the strings by @ symbol, then using string.replace to replace underscore _ symbols with whitespace characters
@prasath17 i need only chethan p in chethan_P@gmail.com
That was simple and easy and it’s use in another project. so am recommended that.
@copy_writes - Please check the below…in this case, you have to write group1 and group3 output with Spaces to get what you need…check this post on how to write group outputs
I agree with @Dave suggestion, because split and replace would be very easy to write in this case…
thanks, for giving your valuable time
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