I need to extract data from changing tiles on web

Hello, Everyone, I am trying to click on one tile, extract specific data from it, then click on the next tile and so on. The issue is these tiles change daily, so I can just “click” . I’m a rookie when it comes to automation so any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi @Ken_Villard,

Can you share your workflow and the selectors you use?



You can get all tile’s link as an array and then loop on it to open individually.
To get links, use the find children activity with scope parameter=FIND_DESCENDANTS and give tile’s anchor tag with identifiable class as filter selector.
Main thing: at the target selector, select the parent element of all tiles for e.g. div tag above of tiles div.


Thank you sir!

Hey, I’m still a new user so I can’t upload just yet. However, I appreciate you trying to help.
