I have already created a variable as Basicstartdate for a date value (07/15/2024) extracted from excel data table. But unable to assign and save in output excel file

I have already created a variable as Basicstartdate for a date value (07/15/2024) extracted from excel data table. But unable to assign and save in output excel file.

Hi @s.mazumder

How are you saving it to the output excel file. Share the screenshot of flow if possible.



Please let me know if you require more information


    <Value>DateTime.ParseExact(dtExcelData.Rows(0)("Date").ToString(), "MM/dd/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)</Value>

(0): Refers to the first row in the DataTable.

Hi @s.mazumder

What is the format of date you have in Excel can you share that screenshot of excel too.

Hi @s.mazumder

Your query is quite confusing could you be more specific…?

Thank you, it is working

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