I have a complex string value and I want to remove the part between two words

1- eqafu
2- adehuDİPNOT sdvs
3- usrfd
4- dhsaj
5- dshgaj:
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I want to remove the parts between DİPNOT and PASİF without damaging the structure of the my string value, because the data before and after is important to me. How can i do that?

Hi @HaticeKubraYilmaz

can you share the expected output.

Hi @HaticeKubraYilmaz , I’m thinking on possibly using Regex Replace to find the string between your 2 keywords, and then replacing it with a String.Empty, should look something like this:



Edit: If you also want the 2 keywords to be deleted, you can modify a bit the regex expression:



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You can use this…I hope the strings you mentioned are only coming once

use assign

requiredstring = str.Split({"DIPNOT","PASIF"},StringSplitOptions.None)(0) + str.Split({"DIPNOT","PASIF"},StringSplitOptions.None)(2)


Thank you, it worked for this part but the word “PASİF” was mentioned elsewhere and I removed out the parts I didn’t want. How can I clean up the space between DİPNOT and the first PASİF word?

Unfortunately not once :smiling_face_with_tear: There are also below but I want the first ones

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