I now encounter a bug that can be triggered by this: I have a written old project A, one day I opened A to record the web but could not grab the elements inside the web page. I deleted the UiPath and rebuilt to create a new project B, then I could grab the elements inside the web page again, but when I opened A to prepare for editing, I could not choose the elements, so I had to delete them. Do you have any solutions except reloading?
@loginerror hi ,may be this bug is not happend by the old project ,I used UiPathPlatformInstaller install uipath and create the first project ,this record can get elements from ie and then i close it and create project again that i cant get elements ,uninstall uipath then install and create project Its getting better. now i try to download new version UiPathPlatformInstaller to test.
@loginerror hi you can see the 1st image is true and when i close uipath then open it , i cant find element i dont know what make this bug hanppend ,Did I lose something? Is there anything I can use to find out why I was wrong?