I encountered an issue in UiPath’s AI Center on the Pro Trial version. After creating a project, the open-source ML packages section appears blank, showing only the 'UiPath' and 'Open Source' headers without listing any packages. I’ve tried refreshing, ch

I am using the Pro Trial version of UiPath and have created a project in the AI Center. However, when I try to access open-source ML packages, the section appears blank, showing only the header labeled ‘UiPath’ and ‘Open Source’ without any package options available

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Confirming that I am also encountering the same issue. Attaching screenshot:

I encountered the same issue; I couldn’t locate the packages under ML packages in AI Center. If anyone has found a solution, please share it here.

@ejvkamp @Sunnik_Chatterjee,

It’s fixed and ML packages available now.