I don't see the converted text

Hi there. I’m trying the openai plugin. I have the following workflow:

But when displaying the messagebox it says:


The variables i declared:

I just want to use the converted text to write to a new document but with the message box i want to see before converting if the response from GPT is correct. For example I entered a prompt ‘translate to French’.

Hi @tech2
Use for each loop to see items in the collection variables like arrays or list and then use message box to access the elements with currentitem.

or use index ResponseList(0),ResponseList(1)…etc

Hope it helps!!


in the message box you need to type as

ResponseList(0) like that or ResponseList(index)


Hi @tech2 ,

Maybe you could check in the Debug Panel like an example shown here :

I did this:

But still an error:


@tech2 ,

Could you check the post that I have highlighted ? It used Debug Panel with checks and visibility on the Data formats.


As per screenshot you provided looks like you directly are trying the whole variable

