The following helps you.
I tried with three variables but shows the same error
Did you input as the following if your number of columns is 1.
new object[] {yourVariable}
Works like a charm:
So could it have to do with the datatypes you have in your array? (can you screenshot your variables as shown in my screenshot?)
But why mine is not working?
Can you try to paste the following expression into the ArrayRow property?
new object[] {bitcoin_Price,lasthour_High,lasthour_Low}
If error occurs, please share its screenshot.
May be letâs do it other way
Create a list variable named list_input in variable panel of type System.Collections.Generic.List(of String) with default value as New List(of String)
Now use a ADD TO COLLECTIONS activity where in collections mention as List_input and in item mention the variable named bitcoin_Price.ToString
Use another activity with list variable name in collection but item as lasthour_High.ToString
And a final add to Collections with same collections variable and item as lasthour_Low.ToString
- Now use a ADD DATAROW activity Where in ARRAYROW property mention as list_input.ToArray() and in dt mention the DATATABLE name
Hope this would help you resolve this
Cheers @Althaf_nazeer_Nazeer
Thank you for sharing.
This error shows these variables is not defined. (So, error have been changed.)
Is there same place at your previous screenshot? Can you share variable panel?
To isolate cause, for now, can you try the following expression?
new object[] {}
I fix this problem by myself. I was enabled c# language in the Uipath settings. Thatâs why i got this error.Just disabled that and now it is workingâŚthanks all
This way it worked for me:
new object {var1, var2, var3, ⌠, varN}
Estoy aprendiendo de manera autodidacta UiPath. Intento usar aĂąadir fila de datos y me muestra error.
En Fila de Datos coloquĂŠ {âMarâ,âMontesâ,22,âFemeninoâ} y me muestra error BC36915: No se puede realizar inferencia de un tipo de elemento porque es posible mĂĄs de un tipo. Especificar el tipo de la matriz podrĂa corregir este error. BC30311 El Valor de tipo âObject()â no se puede convertir en âDataRowâ. El Valor seleccionado es incompatible con el tipo de propiedad.
New object() {"Sea","Mountains",22,"Female"}
Please open a new topic if further assistance is needed