I am getting this error : If a new Item is fetched Grab it's significant data for logging: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source

If a new Item is fetched Grab it’s significant data for logging: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source

Hi @Gaurav_Katiyar,

Hope all is going well. I would double check your invoked arguments in your get transaction data. Make sure that you are passing the right data table to the data table you’re processing in the current file.


Hope datatable_workitems.count is variable of type Array of DataRow.

Before this If condition, try to print this value datatable_workitems.count using message box activity.

If it gives error then you didn’t pass arguments properly. Could you check arguments and it’s directions once.

Did you solve the problem? I am in the same situation.

Bom dia.
Estou com o mesmo problema →
If a new Item is fetched Grab it’s significant data for logging: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source

Ja fiz todas as mudanças para resolver mas sem sucesso.
Fiz dessa forma: in_TransactionNumber <= dt_WorkItens.Count-1
e tambem assim: in_TransactionNumber <= dt_WorkItens.Count

Sem secesso. Alguem poderia me ajudar?

This could mean the datatable_workitems has no data to count, check first if datatable_workitems is Nothing before using the count operator on it.
Let me know if it worked.
