I am getting an error The given key was not present in the dictonary

I am attaching the below error image where I am getting an error “The given key was not present in the dictionary”

I have followed some of the earlier posts regarding the same error. I was found the below solution for that like

  1. If the arguments wrongly passed 2. If the .xaml file is missing

But neither of them were included in my scenario. Can anyone help what is the problem exactly?


I am using the 20.10.02 version for Studio and It is a community edition

Can you please click on Import Argument and share the screenshot .
There might be possibility that the value passed in arguments has any typo error.

@NikhilRPA You have used a value in input arguments config(“…”) which is not present in dictionary/Config excel file.

Hi @elina As per your requested I am attaching another screenshot

below with clear arguments which I passing

Hi @Arpit_Kesharwani

I cross checked everything on arguments which i am passing are available in config file