
Hi Team,

Can any one suggest me how to verify the hyperlinks in pdf and check if there are any broken links in that pdf.

Thanks in advance

UNever tried but I guess you can do below(only for absolute paths)

  1. Get your PDF into a string using Read Pdf
  2. Use β€œ\S*(http|https)\S*” in Matches activity to get all the URLs from your string.
  3. Loop all the urls in for each and pass the url to http request End point property and get the Status code out put.
  4. If OK or 200 that means the URL is valid.

@vvaidya, Nice one. Was thinking in the same way but what if URL being embedded within a text. For example like this Sample

Edit Sorry I dint notice absolute path

Dominic :slight_smile:

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It’s not simple, but not impossible.

One way is open pdf, copy the text.

Open word application scope- some name
-paste text
-alt+f9 ( shows all hyperlinks)
-Read text

  • follow above steps
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@vvaidya, kudos bro !

Dominic :slight_smile: