HTTP Request - Body as a parameter issue!

hi there, i am trying to set up twillio for whatsapp, if i put in the body using as paramter, when previlling it, it is able to sent the whatsapp message, but the error will also appear, how can i configure it

Kindly share more details on the steps and error

hi, if i use body as a parameter and doing preview, it will sent over. but when i input it into the priorities - body field, it failed

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Is there a reason you need to use the HTTP Request activity, instead of the Twilio Integration Service activities?

Twilio Activities Package:

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Hello @Teck_Hwee_Goh

Have you tried using the Body argument shown under properties?


hi yes i have, the following was put into the body.however the error message will appear. if it put in as a parameter body then it will be the first error message, however when previewing it, it will sent out the whatsapp message “To=whatsapp%3A%2B6591234567&From=whatsapp%3A%2B14155238886&Body=Hello%21%20This%20is%20a%20test%20message%20from%20UiPath.”

hi, i have tried it, doesn’t work and also i’m trying to sent whatsapp message, not sms

see the above successfully sent but only in preview and i can’t run the activity because it is using body as a parameter

What happens when you change the parameter from “Body” to "Message?

this appears then, it only recognize “body” as the parameter