Hi. I’m having issues with http request not passing parameters to the URL on a POST request. On GET requests the parameter works fine and passes to the URL without any issue
However, when using POST (or any other request for that matter), the parameter does not pass at all. The parameter is the same, only the request method changed
Why are the parameters passing only when using GET and not other requests?
Hi @sssleo,
It depends mostly on endpoint and what you need to achieve. I suggest to test it using Postman at first and then compare results to HTTP Request.
[SOLUTION] @sssleo i just had this problem too and would like to share my solution for public.
When you go with the “HTTP Request Wizard” the URL paramers will not be parsed, but you could edit the activity in the properties section and build the url by yourself.
e.g. EndPoint: "https://yoururl.tld/path?param="+yourParamVar
Or if you would like to parse params with special chars you can use: "https://yoururl.tld/path?param="+System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(yourStringWithSpecialChars)