Hi there!
Im trying to make a search through a GET request in a REST API but I keep getting 415 error. The HTTP request activity configuration is the following:
The authentication is made on a previous POST request which works perfectly and then the token is attached as a parameter in this request.
The body is a json object parsed like this: “{”“cifNif”“:”“string”“}”
I’ve tried the request in Postman and it works but when I try to implement it on Uipath it doesn’t. I’ve looked trough the forums but nothing has worked for me. Please, can someone help?
Thanks in advance
It looks like there is some issue with Cuerpo Body. Somehow it is not recognizing the Json.
You can try building the Json body with a variable of type JObject and then can use Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jObj) and pass it to Cuerpo.