How top Downgrade Uipath Community edition

Hi All,
I have yesterday installed UiPath community version in my personal laptop i got 2024.2.1 version but i need to downgrade it . How can i do that?

Hi @shalu.mittal

You can’t downgrade the UiPath Community edition. If you have enterprise edition then you can do it.

Refer the below thread for better understanding,

Hope it helps!!

Hi @shalu.mittal

Assume you want to downgrade to 23.10.5 then download the studio from this link. Uninstall the latest studio and reinstall downloaded.

Note: As its community edition you would always be prompted to upgrade. So do the below steps to disable auto-update

  1. Open Task Manager.
  2. In the Details tab, find the UiPath Studio Update Service process.
  3. Right-click on the process and select End task.


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To have this freedom to choose the lower version of UiPath Studio you should have active Pro Trial.

You can activate your trial from here: UiPath

Ashok :slight_smile:

Thanks aravindbalineni123

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you are welcome @shalu.mittal

when you install the old version Studio with msi. It will install and works but in 2 to 3 days it will automatically updated to the latest version. Then only we recommend you to use the latest version if you are using community edition… @shalu.mittal

Hope you understand!!

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