How to write each row status

I need help on how to write status “OK” for each row in excel.Only when the row completed in a loop


Use foreach activity and mention the datatable variable

then use Assign Activity

Inplace of Status you can mention column name.


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In for each row m using write cell activity and it throws with an error of “Write Cell : The range does not exist” I need what wud be in range.


Use foreach activity and mention the datatable variable

then use Assign Activity

Inplace of Status you can mention column name.

After this use write range to write in excel sheet ,it will work


please check is this is your= are taking about image m still geetinf range doesnot exist
please help me with the range

In Write range Activity, in place of range just mention like this “”


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still not working

Hi @ks185332 ,

Try to use write range activity after for each row activity and pass the data table it will work.
Arivu :slight_smile:

Sory its my mistake now its workin. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @ks185332,
It’s possible to give without column name I need to prefer index of the column like {B column, C column} like that?
