How to write cell in Excel one by one?

Dear Friends

This is the 1st time I use [Excel] activities

I want to put [ReceivedDate], [currentSO], [Amount] into Column A,B,C accordingly and one by one added row by row(I have 10 ~ 20 rows need to fill in)

Can you help let me know how can I use [For Each Excel Row] and [Write Cell] to make it happen

I try several ways but none of them work

Thanks for your guidance in advance



Hi @yangyq10

You need not use For Each Excel row. At start befor Get Outlook Mail Messages take a Assign activity and initialize Count = 2. Count varible is of DataType System.Int32. After that below the Multiple Assign you can use Excel Write Cell to write the values and below the write cell take assign activity and increment the counter by 1 i.e Count = Count + 1 . Below flow will help you complete the workflow

Make sure to pass the sheet name in place of yourSheetName.


Thank you Varunraj!!
It works!!
I will keep this method in mind for further same request


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You’re welcome @yangyq10

Happy Automation!!

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