How to validate credit card 16 digit number

Hi Team,

I have input 16digit number (1234567891011121) i want to validate only first 6 digit and last 4 digit from input number to output number

output number is 123456******7891
If match first 6 digit and last 4 digit true else false

Raja G

Hi @Raja.G

You can compare both input & output strings using the following expressions:

First 6 digits: strValue.Substring(0,6)

Last 4 digits: strValue.Substring(strValue.Length-5,4)


Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

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Hi @arjunshenoy ,

This is condition only i want to match input 16 digit to output 16digit but output 16 digit show like 256489******2222

So i want to match fist 6 digit and last 4 digit

Raja G

Hi @Raja.G ,

Try this:





The first expression will be valid for the first 6 values extraction. You can use the following expression to obtain last 4 values:



Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

Hello @Raja.G
Try something like below

strCardValue1 = "1234567891011121"
strCardValue2 = "123456******7891"

If Left(strCardValue1,6) = Left(strCardValue2,6) AndAlso Right(strCardValue1,4) = Right(strCardValue2,4) then
     b_IsCardMatching = True
     b_IsCardMatching = False
end if
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Assign firstString = “2564892222"
Assign secondString = "216489

Matches firstStringMatches = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(firstString, “^\d{6}.\d{4}$")
Matches secondStringMatches = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(secondString, "^\d{6}.

If firstStringMatches.Count > 0 AndAlso secondStringMatches.Count > 0
Assign firstMatch = firstStringMatches(0).Value
Assign secondMatch = secondStringMatches(0).Value

If firstMatch = secondMatch
    // First 6 digits and last 4 digits match
    // Add your desired actions here
    // First 6 digits and last 4 digits do not match
    // Add your desired actions here
End If

End If

Hi @Raja.G

Follow the below syntax to achieve the required output. Have attached the workflow for reference.

  1. Assign:
    inputNumber= “1234567891011121”
  2. Assign:
    outputNumber= inputNumber.Substring(0, 6) + "**" + inputNumber.Substring(12, 4)
  3. If:
    inputNumber.Substring(0, 6) = outputNumber.Substring(0, 6) And inputNumber.Substring(12, 4) = outputNumber.Substring(12, 4)
    Log Message: “Validation successful”
    Log Message: “Validation failed”

Credit Card Number.xaml (7.6 KB)

Hope it helps!!

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