I am currently developing a process that searches for cars on a car sale website. The user inputs the make, and this value is used within a Select item to it pick out.
The drop-down contains a number of that specific model in the items, so the Select item isn’t able to pick up just the name. The numbers are constantly changing too, so I cannot write the number in.
Does anybody know how to include a wildcard in the Select item? I have tried MakeFilter + "(" + "*" + ")" and MakeFilter + "(*)" but these have not produced an actual asterisk, not a wildcard.
The selector is attached to a Select item, I am not using two Click activities as the drop-down items aren’t singular elements and can’t be individually indicated.
Edit: This is what happens when I try to indicate the item in the drop-down
If I understand it correctly, you want the select item Value to have a wildcard, not the selector for the dropdown box itself, is that correct?
For the select item activity to work, you have to specify the exact value from contained within the dropdown - you can’t supply a wildcard. However, an easy workaround is to use a different activity. Instead of the select item activity, you should use the Type Into activity (assuming you know the beginning portion of the value and not the middle/end only).
Just type however much you know and it will highlight that piece within the dropdown menu. End your type into with an enter key to select it. Make sure you’re using standard hardware automation and NOT SimulateType or SendWindowsMessages, which means this won’t work in the background.
So for example if you want it to select Audi, you would use a type into activity and type "audi[k(enter)]"