How to use Twilio Activity

Anyone tell me how to use twilio activity for send SMS message and initiate outbound calls…

Thanks in advance

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Hi @dhinesh110
You need signing up Twilio and see below.

UiPath doesn’t support this activity anymore.

You can still use Twilio via HTTP Request Activity.

Well, I think the issue with Restsharp.dll. As this is the wrapper around the REST and the invoke method is causing this problem.

New Restsharp.dll (restsharp.106.2.0.nupkg) is already available in nuget, once it is available in UiPath the issue will be resolved.

i will update the progress on this.

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Hey man, do you have any update on this?

Workarround: Activitie "Send sms message" - #13 by tiagofreire

Any Update…

I am getting “Method not found: ‘Void RestSharp.RestClient.set_BaseUrl(System.String)’” Error.

I am also getting the same error can any one help me, I think it shows the null reference error could’t pass the values i am not sure please correct me. Quick replies appreciable.

Am getting the below error while trying to send SMS using twilio, Can someone please help?
Send sms message: Could not load type ‘RestSharp.HttpBasicAuthenticator’ from assembly ‘RestSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6780624354xcf’.