How to use Orchestrator Manager

When I attempted to execute the “Main.xaml” of Orchestrator Manager in Studio, a memory shortage error occurred.
so I couldn’t use it.

At the time, I used VDI, and launched only UiPath Studio on the VDI, after the error occurred, VDI blacked out.

I used Orchestrator Manager as-is from the extracted folder of the zip file downloaded from the marketplace.

please tell me any solutions, precautions, or information regarding the necessary specifications for this issue?

Orchestrator Manager の「Main.xaml」をStudio実行したところ、メモリ不足によるエラーが発生し、実行できませんでした。


なお、実行時にUiPath Studio以外のアプリケーションは立ち上げておらず、 Orchestrator Manager は 御社マーケットプレイスからダウンロードしたzipファイルを展開したフォルダのまま手を加えずに使用しています。

本事象について、何か対応策や Orchestrator Manager を使用する上で必要なスペックおよび注意事項などございましたら、ご教示いただけないでしょうか。

UiPath Studio:2022.10.11
Orchestrator Manager:2.6.2
OS:64bit, Windows 10 Enterprise


Try this solution.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

thank you for your response.
VDI what i used has 16GB memory. Is it not enough for using OC Manager2.6.2?
In addition, only UiPath studio was running, so I think the memory has enough capacity.
I think that I cant do anything for a problem about the memory…

Did you find any solution? I’m facing the same issue and can’t find anything to resolve this

Hi @yannikes,

If you facing issue with orchestrator manager, would be better to raise support ticket to UiPath team using your enterprise license support key.
Link below for customer portal.
