How to use click activity on popup message while opening excel in studio

Hello Team,

While opening the excel sheet in UiPath studio, it open up the popup message with buttons like Yes/No. How to handle the click activity on such Yes/No button. after clicking on such button, then only excel will allow to continue further.

The click activity is not working while used with Use Excel File activity, is it child of Excel Process Scope activity.

Also tried with Use Application activity but still no luck.

Attaching here the screen shot of popup message, where button action needs to be taken.
It would be great if you can suggest any solution on this.

An Excel worksheet labeled "Create Journals" from Oracle is displayed, with a pop-up dialog box prompting the user to connect to an external application URL. (Captioned by AI)


Please use a parallel activity with click on left and tgen thw use excel file actovity


Hi @siddharudh.kinagi

Can you try with Check App State activity and Click activity as below


Actually, the case here is that, once we open excel it always provides the dialog box to click on button and login, after that only it gives access to excel sheet. without login, excel does not allow us to proceed.


Actually, the case here is that, once we open excel it always provides the dialog box to click on button and login, after that only it gives access to excel sheet. without login, excel does not allow us to proceed


dear, I tried this solution, but did not work. the thing here is that, while opening the excel file, it always popup the button to login. once we click on login button then only excel allows us to continue further.


Then in parallel on left do your loginsteps on right have your use excel file


Thanks for reply. to do login step, when I use click activity at left side of parallel activity, it does not work and getting errored out. Please note that login steps needs to be performed in automated way not by user.



Can you show your the way you have tried…some screenshots would help…we had a similar scenario and this should be working unless there is somethign different that is done


Hello Anil,

I have tried as per your suggestion, still no luck, please help.

The activity “Use Excel File” opens the below excel workbook and once excel is opened it opens up the dialog at same time(automatically) as shown below. (Note: whenever we open this excel sheet, it first opens the popup message to login and then only it allows to continue with excel sheet).

When placed the click activity at the the left of parallel activity, the click activity does not trigger.



use excel file completely should be on the right and login steps should be on left…parallel should be outside the use excel not inside

this is show it should look


Hi Anil,

The flow is, RPA first opens the excel file JournalEntry.xlsx, the file itself opens the dialog box to login.

so I am struggling with click activity to click on login button.

thats why I think we can not execute login button click activity without excel activity.
Can we connect on zoom please.

