How to use assign multiple line string value to a string variable


There is a text box and i am trying to enter a large string value which has multiple lines.
When i try to assign the value in assign box it is showing error is quote should be ended, but if i put all of them in a single sentence, it is taking, how to assign the string value with multiple lines to a string variable?

Now i Have to assign


There is a text box and i am trying to enter a large string value which has multiple lines.
When i try to assign the value in assign box it is showing error is quote should be ended, but if i put all of them in a single sentence, it is taking, how to assign the string value with multiple lines to a string variable?


How to do this?


Hi @Santhosh_Hyd - You have to include either Environment.NewLine or any other line break like vbCrLf etc. In between your string using concatenation.



Check if your variable is of type generic, If yes then change it to string and then assign. I just ran now without any errors.

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