How to use Argument in Selector

I want to use the Argument into Selector to activate the application as per Argument value.

In Below screenshot I want to activate the application as per company code which is stored in Argument. 868 is my code where i need to use Argument.

FileName is my Argument

This Company code will always change as per request.

have a look here:

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Also, In the Latest Update of Uipath, You can always rightClick on the variable and Update it .


Hi @nm09011985,

First of all you have to assign a variable whose value will be that argument.

Now, please erase the portion of the selector, which you want to make a dynamic one. Then press and hold the ‘ctrl’ key and press ‘space’ key. Now you will find all the variable available in that particular scope. Select your assigned variable for that field.

Now you are all set to go.

Thanks & Regards,

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HI @nm09011985,

  1. Assign code to Argument

  2. Go to activity which You want to use, select selctor, copy it and delete from properties.

  3. Press “…” to open

  4. Inside Expression Editor Open " " and pass selector between. Everything need to be in one line.

  5. Edit selector
    “<wnd app=‘bw.exe’ cls=‘AfcFrameOrView80u’ title='DMB [User: *][Company:”+YourArgumentHere+"[Model:001] … "

  6. Click ‘ok’

Please mark as solution if helped.

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