How to use append range activity without overwriting the existing range?

Hi everyone!

I currently have 2 worksheets in an excel file, mainly Sheet1 and Sheet2.
How can I pass the new data from Sheet1 to Sheet2 without overwriting the existing data in Sheet2?
I have tried reading range activity for Sheet 1 and appending range for Sheet2 before using write activity for Sheet2. I’m not sure what I’m doing incorrectly.
I have to keep adding new data to Sheet1 and append it to Sheet 2. Please help!


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do both the excel have same number of columns
If they have Append range should work for sure
or try with merge datatable activity
–but make sure that both the tables have same number of columns
–same order of columns
–same datatype with all columns
Cheers @wootberries24

Hi @wootberries24,

Please check the below link



Do I use merge datatable activity after writing range or reading range activity?

Thank you for the quick response! :slight_smile:

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I will take a look at it, thank you!


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–hope you have two datatables ready
–use merge datatable and mention the source as one datatble and destination as one datatable
–now use a write range activity where mention the destination datatable (mentioned previously) as input here

Cheers @wootberries24