Hi Forum,
I am trying to build a Mastermind Game sequence where
for (i=0, i<UserGuess.length, i++)
if UserGuessArray(i) = RandomNumber(i)
RandomNumberIndexBoolean(i) = True
Cows Counter +1
for (j=0, j<UserGuess.length, j++)
if UserGuessArray(i) = RandomNumber(j) AND RandomNumberIndexBoolean(j) = False
Bulls Counter +1
RandomNumberIndexBoolean(j) = True
I am having difficulties anchoring (i) into (j), I am currently using a nested For Each loop
I hope I have explained the problem clearly.
Sorry for the tiny screenshot, I want to share as much code as possible
Any advice, even to re-write would be appreciated
October 16, 2023, 9:20am
I think it should be as the following.
if UserGuessArray(i) = RandomNumber(j) AndAlso i<>j
Can you also try the following sample?
Sample20231016-4L.zip (3.4 KB)
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Hi Yoichi,
This works!
Thank you so much for the advice
My final code is:
if UserGuessArray(i) = RandomNumber(j) AND RandomNumberIndexBoolean(j) = False AND i<>j
This prevents a double count in the event where
RandomNumber = 1123
UserGuessArray = 0001
It will count RandomNumber(0) only once
I hope this helps others!
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October 19, 2023, 9:29am
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