How to upload Images in UiPath Apps VB

Hi all, I am building an App using UiPath App VB (not Legacy) and I am trying to upload an image, however I don’t see the option on how to or where to upload an image there is a Field called Source which expects an AppsFile, but I don’t know how to use it or what expression to write.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Hi @Sidney_Vogel

Check below for your reference

Hope this may help you


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Hi @Srini84 this was super useful, thank you so much for your help. Do you have any other videos on how to use Entities with UiPath VB Apps by chance?

@Sidney_Vogel ,

what’s your query on entity and apps. Please create a new post.

Hi @Arvind_Kumar1 I have created the new post:

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