How to update utf 8 bom and save as csv

my requirement is as follows.
i have one csv file with name issues.csv - > need to open file as notepad

after opening as note pad ->need tos select option in encoding UTF- with BOM

and and replce previous csv file with this new update

issue : i have utf - 8 bom option on my local machine but utf 8 with bom is not present in VM.

i need to achieve this on my VM
help me on same.
@Anil_G @Yoichi

Hi @Mathkar_kunal

Try this below workflow:

Shared the xaml too.
Sequence3.xaml (8.2 KB)

Hope it helps!!

yes i saw in previos post i created workflow also as per your suggestion
in this post i have explained detailed requirement, i need to save that csv as csv again with this utf -8 bom selection after opening as notepad.
please go again in this detail requirement.
here you are saving as text file
please suggest what i can do to save as csv

Hi @Mathkar_kunal ,

Could you try using the Read CSV and Write CSV activity and check if you are able to get the required output ?

When using Write CSV configure the property Encoding as you required/mentioned above.

Let us know if this does not work.

as per suggested by @Parvathy i am using variable csvcontentwithBOM in gerenate datatable activity as i need to write in csv and updated encoding formate in write csv file as “UFT-8 with BOM” but showing above error


It isn’t throwing me error at my end. Please try at your end. Make sure you give the variables correctly and give the extension as.csv.


can we connect on google meet?

Registering Provider:

Writing text in UTF with BOM
