How To Troubleshoot Error "LibGit2Sharp.LibGit2SharpException: Invalid URL"?

While trying to Push changes from UiPath Studio to connected GIT repository, it throws an error : "Unable to push to configured remote - LibGit2Sharp.LibGit2SharpException: invalid URL".

Note: To work with GIT Version control, ensure that UiPath Studio is connected with the GIT repository, as mentioned in the guide Managing Projects With GIT.

Issue Description:

After connecting UiPath Studio with the GIT Repository, while trying to clone or push any changes to a remote repository, it throws an error: "Unable to push to configured remote - LibGit2Sharp.LibGit2SharpException: invalid URL"


In such a scenario, verify if this error is coming up for a specific user account or for every user account and validate if GIT Bash commands can perform the same tasks.
  1. For Specific User Account
Possible reasons:
  • The user account does not have the required privilege to perform such operations.
  • Opening UiPath Studio in Admin mode might help if elevated rights are required.
  1. For Every User Account
Possible reasons:
  • If there is any proxy or firewall enabled which is causing the issue and not letting UiPath communicate with GIT Remote Repository.
  • If there is any issue with the Repository, check by creating a test repository and validate.

Was struggling with the same problem.

Found that in my case this happened because the AzureDevOps git repository name - “RPA (P70)” - contained parentheses( ). Removing them - “RPA P70” - and generating the new url fixed it.