how to subtract 2 column data and print that in beside column
what is the expression for that?
how to subtract
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
row("Result") = Convert.ToDouble(row("Column1")) - Convert.ToDouble(row("Column2"))
Subtract.xaml (11.3 KB)
Refer this workflow
in which activity should I write this
You can use the “Invoke Code” activity
The “Invoke Code” activity allows you to write custom code directly in your workflow.
can you send sample code
how to write that after invoke method
the values are in double
can you tell how to convert them
Book1.xlsx (8.8 KB)
sample excel
Subtract.xaml (9.7 KB)
refer this
can u show ur varibale panel
- Read Range (Input: Excel File, Output: DataTable)
- Add Data Column (Name: Result)
- For Each Row (Input: DataTable)
- Assign (Left: row("Result"), Right: CDbl(row("Amount(in RS)")) - CDbl(row("Closing Debit")))
- Write Range (Input: Modified DataTable, Output: Excel File)
Hope it helps!!
error (201.1 KB)
Found Solution in Sequence3.xaml
I suggest u to create a workflow and then run the workflow ,i think you r running directly from download
how I can I round off the values?
can you eloborate your requirement @anjani_priya