How to subtract 2 columns

Hi @anjani_priya

Please find the below attached xaml’s
If you require the decimal values then use the Cdbl as mentioned in main xaml and if you require the output without decimal’s then use Cint as mentioned in sequence xaml
For decimal values

For values without decimal’s (213.7 KB)


while subtracting the values can I round off them?

iam getting this error

Hi @anjani_priya

Try using CLng instead of CInt


ya u can do that …once the subtraction is done …just assign that value to


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Hi @anjani_priya

Please use the below syntax to get the values without decimals

CLng(CurrentRow("Amount(in RS)").ToString)-CLng(CurrentRow("Closing Debit").ToString) (213.9 KB)

Book1 (1).xlsx (10.6 KB)


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I have 6 invokes , first i have to complete 3 invokes after that 4,5,6 should should how to keep that?

Hi @anjani_priya

Are you asking about the invoke xaml’s?


yes. invoke Xaml’s .

Hi @anjani_priya

Please place the xaml’s in the order they need to be executed


first I want to execute first three in a loop after loop completed it should go to invoke 4 after 5 after 6 ? how to do that?

Hi @anjani_priya

First place those 3 invokes within that loop and later place the 4,5,6 outside of that loop.
Please refer the below attached screenshot and also replace the while with the actual loop you wanted to use over there.


the loops are in the body of the invoke i just want to give like first three invokes like 1st 2nd third and 1 st 2 nd third after that it should go to 4,5,6 invokes


can you share the screenshot please


  1. Open Your Spreadsheet:
  • Imagine it’s like opening a magic book where numbers live.
  1. Select the Cell Where You Want the Result:
  • It’s like pointing to the space where you want the answer to appear.
  1. Type the Formula:
  • Think of this as giving the magic command. For example, if you want to subtract the number in cell A1 from the number in B1, you’d type: =B1-A1.
  1. Press Enter:
  • It’s like telling the magic book to give you the answer. Press Enter, and you’ll see the result in the selected cell.

this is the invoke Xaml’s 1,2,3 are interlinked together by loop
after the loop ends it should start at 4 th invoke xaml

Hi @anjani_priya

Use the Flow Chart for those three invoke’s that would make you process easy or else place those 3 invoke’s within a loop and give a condition for that loop so that the loop iterates untill the condition is true and once the condition get’s failed then it will end the loop and executes the 4th invoke xaml


how to connect the flowchart for 4,5,6?

Hi @anjani_priya

Don’t place the 4,5,6 within the Flowchart. Place the 4,5,6 after the flowchart.


I have placed like this but again its going inside 4 th