Hi ,
Can anyone please give me some idea that how to store username and password to a variable which is in the notepad file?
I saw one Topic regarding this like how to store a specific text but in my case I don’t know how to store username and password …I mean I want to know the expression…
In one topic they have stored invoicedate and invoice number in the assign activity like this:
InvoiceDate= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Result,“(?<=(Invoice Date:)).“).Value
InvoiceNumber =System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(Result,”(?<=(Invoice Number)).”).Value.
I have tried but am not getting any idea…so I want to know the expression like this… which one should I want to replace?
Yes it is. The expression is taking both. Then each one (username and password) is kept in separate group. As you see in my example I’m taking username by using (0) index and password by (1).
Thanks @Pablito
I did the same but now it Is throwing error in type Into activity that “object reference not set to the instance of an object”?
Actually am new to Ui path so that why am asking these much questions.
Trial.xaml (8.8 KB)
Here in read file text you give your notepad file path and in open browser activity you give any url having “login page” consisting of Username and Password alone.