How to store text next to the UI element using for each UI element

Hello guys

My for each ui element is set for red circles. It clicks each black circle which starts downloading.
The problem is that I need to store the text next to the circle so for example: when it first go through the first circle it should store Mark as a variable and then next cycle it should store John.

The problem is that when I use get text, it stores Mark in both cases. What do I do wrong?

@anon40731888 Can you show us, How are you try to get text?

By get text activity, target is the name and anchor is the black circle,

I’m not sure which should be fuzzy and what strict? any ideas? maybe this will help?

@anon40731888 can you show me Get text activity selector? I think so its not dynamic and its selector is for only “Mark”

Target: image

@anon40731888 disable fuzzy selector any try with only Strict One.

for both target and anchor?

@anon40731888 Yes Disable for both

did not work, still Mark in both cases

@anon40731888 Let me check

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Hey I gave you wrong selector for strict target sorry, it looks:

@anon40731888 put steric * instead of mark


Remove the Mark from aaname and replace with *


It then changes the selector to something completely far:

Here is Currect way of For Each Ui Element:
make a strict selector for “For Each UI” Activity.
Pass its CurrentElemet to Get Text Activity in Strict Selector box:

@anon40731888 In your Case For Each Element is not Connected with “Get Text Activity” that’s why its giving only “Mark” as a result in every iteration.

I don’t understand how to solve it.

I have strict selector for each Ui activity but my current element is not the name but the icon next to it, should I change it to be the name?

I don’t understand pass its current element to get text activity in strict selector, could you please explain this more?

@anon40731888 Open Properties of get text Activity.
Go in Target Section->In Strict selector give Variable as CurrentElement.ToString

I get:


Just to let you know, my current element is not Mark or John, my current UI element is the circle on the right side of them because I later on need to click on the circle.