How to store text next to the UI element using for each UI element

@anon40731888 Did you try like this:

I have one question why you are using get text when you selected Right side to download something
Please show me your get text properties:

Because If its Mark on the left side I need to do something else with the file and if its John I need to do different thing and there is no other way to tell

@anon40731888 Then you should select lef side for it in For Each Ui element.

OK I will do that, but then how Ui Path will know that it should click the icon right to it to download it? and not right to different name for example: My current element will be now Mark, but how to do so the circled green is clicked and not the below?

After getting Text as Mark/John you will put if condition to check it is john or mark
according to your requirement you will put two separate Click activities with different selectors