I am new and want to learn RPA, please can you help me how to start and what is the requirement for that.
Indra VIjay
I am new and want to learn RPA, please can you help me how to start and what is the requirement for that.
Indra VIjay
Hi @IndraVijay
Welcome to the community!!!
You can easily start learning on RPA and UiPath through the UiPath academy. UiPath Being the market leader for RPA, they offer most of their services for free for us to learn and use as community editions. Additionally the certification is also free until December.
You can register in the academy for training courses via the below link.
To start with in the academy, register for the awareness foundation, level 2 and level3 courses in the order. Additionally cover the non technical training courses as well on your way up the ladder.
Apart from that, if you have any queries and support needed, we are all here in the forum to help you out.
Good luck!!!
Dear Lahiru
Thanks for link, while i try this link but unable to reach out.
its goes every times on " Start Quiz" page.
please, can anyone help me, how to reach right address?
Hi @IndraVijay
It goes to a start quiz page? That’s pretty weird…
I clicked on the same and I was able to get to the home page of the academy site.