How to start queue trigger only at specified time

Hi All,

We would like to use Queue triggers for one of the use case. Is there anyway we can schedule it to run between a time frame?

Eg: We want to add the items to the queue between 5AM to 5PM and want to start queue processing between 5PM to 5AM.


Hi @plobo

you could split your process into two processes (dispatcher and performer) and define the needed triggers in orchestrator.

Hi @RoboHeart,

I have split into 2 processes. First process is adding the items to the queue. and then i have used Queue trigger. But queue trigger runs as soon as there is new item in the queue. What i need is, this queue trigger to run only between time frames and not when there is new item.

?..guess there is a misunderstanding.

I meant to use “Time Trigger” for the related processes.

I will take a look @RoboHeart.