If 2 or 3 values are there in single cell how to split them into different cells
how to split the values into individual cells
provide the input and required output for our better understanding.
Book1.xlsx (297.5 KB)
in the number column how to remove the split the more values into more cells
For this row there is two values, where you want to write the second value.
Hope you understand!! @anjani_priya
the next down cell
but the actual down value should not overwritten by it
Lets assume we split col2 and wil create seperated rows by also reusing col1 value for the second row
Assign activity
dtSplit | DataType: DataTable =dtData.Clone
Assign Activity
(From d in dtData.AsEnumerable
Let arrSplit = d("Number").ToString.Trim.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
From s in arrSplit
Let ra = new Object(){d(0), s.Trim()}
Select r = dtSplit.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable
should i write this in invoke?
We mentioned assign Acitvity
can you send the sample code like whole code
just share with us screenshot / the xaml of what you had implemented so far
export1.xaml (9.5 KB)
no reflection.Same as it is after I run the code
should I take write cell or write range for writing
its not splitting
Find the attached zip file with your expected output in the output sheet of excel
Forum.zip (743.7 KB)
Hope it helps!!
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