How to split pdf acording to word

Hello Friends,

Any one had tryed to split pdf using a string like “MONTANT TOTAL RESTANT A RECOUVRER”

as an exemple i had a pdf of 10 pages in the first page the string appear, in the 2 page no, in the 3ir yes, so i want a unique page with the 1rst page and 2nd page.
in 4 page yes => so i want to extract the 3rd page,
in page 5 no => extract 4 and 5 pages into one

and so one
here is an exmple of pages:

and the workflow attached work fine with another type of document, but with this one no!!!
Splitter - Copie.xaml (30.5 KB)

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Hey @abdel

Actually Sorry to say that your requirement is not clear to understand. May be my bad.

I request you to kindly explain it a bit clearly in detail.


Hello @Nithinkrishna,

attached is an example of Pdf:

i had to split according to the string: " MONTANT TOTAL RESTANT A RECOUVRER A LA DATE DU"

so for the sample: i expect 3 pds as an output of my code.

sampleforsplit.pdf (255.6 KB)

any help my friend

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