How to sort the data using linq query

Hi All,

below query is not working for me.

i have excel file which has some columns and based on one column(Ageing) i want to sort the data in Ascendinh or Descending order.

(From row In dt_list.AsEnumerable
Order By Ageing(row.Item(2))Ascending Select row).copyToDataTable



Try the below format:

InputDt = (InputDt.AsEnumerable.OrderByDescending(Function(x) x(“Ageing”).ToString)).CopyToDataTable




Please try this

Dt.AsEnumerable.OrderBy(function(x) Cdbl(x("Aging").ToString)).CopyToDataTable

Assuming all rows have data and they are numbers

Hope this helps


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Hi @Anil_G ,

see the below error

Check this.


Check the assembly reference or close …rename project.json and reopen


i didn’t get it.

Please explain me step by step from start to end, what i need to do it.

You can fix it by adding the Assembly Reference manually in your xaml file: question- how to add it manually?

Simply open the file in Notepad and create new line with this String: question - which notepad file it is refering here

Then reopen your project and the error should be gone.

Please be careful while doing so and always keep a backup.


First close your project…and rename the project.json file…then reopen the project and check if the issue is fixed

If not then open your xaml in notepad ++ and then just add the reference …that is highlighted in the picture and then re open…

For safety keep the file backedup


but, i donot have option to rename the project.json file



First step is to close ypur project…remaining steps are to be done using your file explorer not UiPath

Or just create a new project mostly that should work in the new peoject also. Issue is a package reference went missing in the references


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i closed two times


After closing …open the folder containing your project using a file explorer not the UiPath and the project menu that you get(no for this)

From the file explorer right click and rename


Hi @Anil_G

i went to project folder through file explorer and rename the project.json again with same name, then i changed the Framework name also, but still there is error, but also i can see that after changing the framework work , it craeted another Project file.

project.json i renamed and then changed the framework name, after changing i can see it is created another project which of json type, img for reference.


The purpose of changing the name is to let it create a new file and if possible it would automatically add references…as that did not happen

Now…open your xaml which is faulting in a notepad or notepad++ and add the assembly reference line for


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Hi @Anil_G ,

i can see that error has gone now , but it is not sorted the data in any order either ascending or descending.

After function in x variable do i need to mention Ascending or descending?


Ideally it would…can you confirm if the data in aeging is of type number?

And are you checking the right output table?


sorry, my bad i was checking different dt table, now it giving me the output as Ascending order.

but what will be the query to fetch in Descending order? i want 40, 26, 18, 5


Instead of Ordeby use OrderByDescending


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ok thanks.

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