I am starting Linq , So i thought of giving myself a problem but i was not able to solve it
I have a datatable , how do i order it based on one column, such that every other column should order by itself
this is my datatable
Hey @Chirag12 , You can use below Linq
dtA =
(From row In dt_A
Order By row("Count")
Select row
Hope it helps you out!
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Which activity should i use this code?
Use it in assign activity
Datatabke variable =datatablevar.asenumerable.orderby(Function(x) x(“columnName”)).CopyToDataTable
Hey @Chirag12 ,
Use it in an assign activity
Refer below xaml
Sequence.xaml (8.6 KB)
Hope it helps you out!
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Datatabke variable =datatablevar.asenumerable.orderbydescending(Function(x) x(“columnName”)).CopyToDataTable
Gives you in descending order
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Thank you @Vikas_M for the xaml
for learnings have a look here:
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