How to solve the Invoke SHA1_GetHashCode workflow: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list?

Hello Team,

Kindly advise on how I can debug this error.
I’ve tried with the already available material but none has been of help.
Below is the screenshot of the error.

Best Regards,
Kakooza Allan Klaus


I guess one of the value you are passing here contains empty value. Can you please print all the values and then check once.

Run the process in Debug mode and check step by step.

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Thanks @lakshman for your response.
Let me try that one but in the mine time you can have a look at my xaml file please.
SHA1_GetHashCode.xaml (8.8 KB)

it should be {0}-{1}-{2} instead of {1}-{2}-{3}


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Why bro
Kindly explain?


the index starts at 0

0 = clientId
1 = clientName
2 = clientCountry

your original code is
1 = clientName
3= ??
thats why you’re getting this error

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Thanks man

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