How to set parameter code to orchestrator

Hi.I have created config file in excel these value are dynamic means these values will changes when client want to change as mention in screen shot.But Now client want these all value set in orchestrator and send value in parameter from code instead of using config file.So anyone help me How can I achieve this



Along your process create IN arguments to take the input parameters passed when Job is triggered
And once after creating process with appropriate arguments and publishing it to orchestrator, before running the job we could be able to pass the parameter for the arguments we have created

For more details

Cheers @Aditya10989

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You can use Assets:


hi @Aditya10989
while keeping excel config , as the same thing can be done on orchestrator
this things we call “ASSETS”

you can keep Text/Boolean/Integer / and also can keep credentials and call them as you want

to create assets
go through about assets “About Assets
as @bcorrea mention how to manage those assets

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thanks for your valuable .I don’t know how to do this and how to set value of excel file in orchestrator. I need to study on ASSETS
Let me know one thing I need to change in code or this is done from orchestrator…? Because orchestrator part done my deployment team.

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Its create on orchestrator, but to gather those it’s a development

No issue u can update those in orchestrator and give your development team to those information or

Even u can give a new user created for development team to manage those assets themself
While you can see all ASSETES you and they are creating

eg in config file we have two URL of one application

  1. UAT URL
  2. Production URL
    Now in config file if we want to run this on UAT then we put URL of UAT in config file then it work for UAT and same as production.
    Now in case of asset what I need to do…??

If they have the access to orchestrator and if they want to run whenever they require from orchestrator and can pass parameter before running then they can use INPUT and OUTPUT parameters


If they don’t have the access to orchestrator then we can pass the Value as ASSET to the process

And for both the stage it is first handled in orchestrator and also inside the workflow

Like for arguments we need to have IN arguments defined in the workflow
If asset we need to use GET ASSET activity to get the value from orchestrator

Cheers @Aditya10989

Thanks for reply.yes INPUT and OUTPUT parameters fine for me.Please guide me how can I use this…?
How I can pass the value in this.Which is I am using previous in excel file…?


Did this document help us

Cheers @Aditya10989

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Thanks for this.This same article provide by deployment team.But Still my one question is still pending. How can pass excel value in parameter.Have you any code any example I think this will work for me.!

If you have this will help for me

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Inside the workflow create arguments of IN direction
For example

Place thee arguments in the workflow were we will be calling the config file as a dictionary for each value

Now from orchestrator we will be able to see the arguments in the JOB page and if we give the value there it will be taken inside the workflow throw those IN arguments

Cheers @Aditya10989

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thanks for help.Like this as mention in attachment.In previous I am using config file.That config file read data from excel and assign that value in variable.Now I need to put these variable in arguments and where I am reading data from excel need to delete activity mention in circle. because now that are not in use …?
As mention in attachment

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Yes exactly

Ok thanks for your help.I will check in my code and lets see what deployment team told.Thanks man for your help and saving our job.

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Cheers @Aditya10989

Hi @Palaniyappan one thing more which argument we are passing we need to pass same argument in variable panel default value.As mention in attachment

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But pass them using a assign activity and not in the variable panel

Cheers @Aditya10989

No sorry I did not understand
One is variable I created URL and one argument name i_URL
In previous using config file ie excel I am getting URL from excel where mentioned execute application for production or UAT.
Now All the code related to config file is deleted now variable are left.

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As you have passed the value for those argument from orchestrator we need to get them inside the workflow
Either use those arguments directly to pass the value or use a assign activity and get the value from those arguments to a variable and then use those variables buddy
Cheers @Aditya10989