How to set flow condition?

I have 3 invoke code (a,b,c) in 1 project

If I want run invoke code A and B every date 2-4.

But invoke code C run every Monday and Wednesday.

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You can use a simple if condition like this

Datetime.Now.ToString(“dddd”).ToUpper.Contains(“MONDAY”) or Datetime.Now.ToString(“dddd”).ToUpper.Contains(“WEDNESDAY”)

Then it goes to THEN side if it’s Monday or Wednesday where you can invoke code C

Or it goes to ELSE block where you can include another IF condition like this

Datetime.Now.ToString(“dd”).Contains(“02”) or Datetime.Now.ToString(“dd”).Contains(“04”)

If true it goes to its then block where you can invoke code B and C or it goes to its else where leave it Empty

HI @fairymemay

Try this below expression

Now.DayOfWeek.ToString = "Monday" or Now.DayOfWeek.ToString = "Wednesday"


@Palaniyappan If date 2-4 is Monday or Wednesday.
it goes to IF right ? not goes to Else.

Have look on the flow chart @fairymemay


@Gokul001 Yes.

But Have question If day date = 2,3,4 —> I don’t want check DayofWeek.

invoke A,B —> run every day date = 2,3,4
invoke C ----> run every Monday and Wednesday.

Try this workflow ;

Main.xaml (9.1 KB)

For a and b process Use :
Now.ToString(“dd”).Contains(“02”) or Now.ToString(“dd”).Contains(“04”)

For Process C , use ;
Now.DayOfWeek.ToString.Contains(“Monday”) or Now.DayOfWeek.ToString.Contains(“Wednesday”)

HI @fairymemay

For this you can try with the above expression

Have a look on the skeleton

Flowchart.xaml (10.4 KB)


@Gokul001 @Vaibhav_Rajpoot_17
I not clear.

  1. If today date day =2 not Monday —> I want run invoke C only.
  2. If today date day =2 and Monday —> I want run invoke C too. —> But your flow invoke C in Else (So it can’t run invoke C)

Try this expression

Now.ToString("dd").Contains("02") and Now.DayOfWeek.ToString = "Monday" or Now.ToString("dd").Contains("04") and Now.DayOfWeek.ToString = "Monday"  or Now.ToString("dd").Contains("02") and Now.DayOfWeek.ToString = "Wednesday" or Now.ToString("dd").Contains("04") and Now.DayOfWeek.ToString = "Wednesday" 


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HI @fairymemay

Have a look on the skeleton

Flowchart.xaml (11.4 KB)



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