Well LINQ and lambda expressions are pretty powerful when used with enumerables and arrays.
item.Any(Function(x) x.Trim.ToUpper=value.ToString.Trim.ToUpper)
That will basically return True if a value is equal to any of the values in the array (you can also use .Contains or any other boolean expressions)
So if you couple that with a datatable, you can use .Where() to pull in certain rows. Or, if you use a string if you .Split it by a certain character.
For a datatable, you can do it like this:
dt1.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) Not item.Any(Function(x) x.Trim.ToUpper=r(column).ToString.Trim.ToUpper) ).CopyToDataTable // or .ToArray() for list of rows
So that will pull in all rows that do Not have a value in the item array.
If you use a string, you would replace dt1.AsEnumerable with str.Split() and split by probably the NewLine character, then also swap r(column) with r.Split(","c)(column)
You can also combine one of these methods with a For Each loop
For example,
For Each row In dt1
If item.Any(Function(x) x.Trim.ToUpper=row(column).ToString.Trim.ToUpper)
Delete Row
(you can also do item.Contains(row(column).ToString.Trim.ToUpper)
instead of item.Any()```
However, I find the .Where() method more useful and less cluttered, but that’s just me.
Note: if you use a string instead of a datatable, you must String.Join() the array back together again, after you manipulate the data.
I hope this helps and sorry if I misunderstood any challenges you had.